Last summer Tina Anderson threw a baby shower – for 22 babies.
The shower was for every baby born, or soon to be born, to families of the 2nd Battalion, 11th Marines during 2019.
Anderson is president of Irvine’s 2/11 Marine Adoption Committee, founded 13 years ago to support the 2nd Battalion, 11th Marines (there are 700 of them) and their spouses and children at Camp Pendleton.
Last summer marked the second time the committee threw a baby shower for the battalion’s expectant or new mothers.
“It was incredible,” Anderson recalls.
Volunteers descended on Camp Pendleton to decorate, serve brunch and raffle off gifts to 22 moms, who were all given free raffle tickets.
Now planning is underway for a third shower, which will take place at the end of summer. Senior volunteers are busily knitting baby blankets, Anderson reports.
“We want to show these families that their service and sacrifices matter,” she says. “Supporting spouses and children while a parent is deployed not only helps these young families, it brings our community together.”
Anderson has been surveying expectant moms and says 90% of the items on their wish lists are essentials, like diapers and onesies.
“We 100 percent depend on the generosity of everybody,” she says.
Last summer, it was the Woodbridge Village Association that stepped up big time, hauling in the most donations.
Who will it be this year?
To get involved, visit irvine211marines.org.