Northwood High School music teacher Ben Case has been named one of five California Teachers of the Year.
Case has helped grow Northwood High’s instrumental music program, which is now one of the largest in the state. The school boasts nearly 800 students in the band and orchestra program, including more than 120 musicians in one of Northwood’s four jazz ensembles. Such high levels of participation are virtually unheard of in high school.
“Ben’s passion for music results in full classes year after year and draws students to Northwood High to be a part of his program,” says IUSD’s Director of Arts Education Brad Van Patten. “The energy and communication he brings to the stage as a conductor leave no doubt as to why our high school musicians want and love to be involved in his program.”
For the last 15 years, Case has organized IUSD’s Band Spectacular, a mega concert featuring marching bands from all five high schools.
“Ben cares so much about his students,” says Northwood Principal Leslie Roach. “He takes the time to get to know each and every one of his students, which is why he gets the best out of them.”