Building community, one connection at a time

Learn about thousands of ways to connect with your neighbors in this community guide.

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There are thousands of ways to connect with your neighbors: from planting broccoli for the food bank to playing right field on an adult baseball team. In this special section, we profile programs to participate in and introduce you to some of your neighbors who have found new friends and fun.

Dawn Antis found empathy, parenting tips and referrals from fellow moms. Pat Moore discovered hundreds of dogs and cats to care for – and three dogs to take home. Ron Elter made lifelong friends – and even met his future accountant – on the softball field.

All three Irvine residents and many more besides them have joined programs throughout the city that create community with like‑minded neighbors. Whether you love distributing food, planting native seeds or playing sand volleyball, Irvine is sure to have a program to entice you.

Check out the following paths for some ideas about how to make the most of your free time – and belong to something bigger than yourself.