3 winners from IUSD in arts education

Three educators from Irvine Unified School District have been honored for their commitment to arts education, earning prestigious awards from the Orange County Music and Arts Administrators, a coalition of school districts, arts groups, parents and business leaders who support arts education.

Adrian Rangel-Sanchez, vocal music teacher at Portola High, received the Secondary Vocal Music Award for his innovative teaching methods, which combine technical skill-building with a passion for music that inspires his students.

Joslynne Blasdel, an instrumental music teacher and department chair at Woodbridge High, was awarded the Irene Schoepfle Lifetime Achievement in Music Award. The honor recognizes Blasdel’s more than 30 years of service and pays tribute to Irene Schoepfle, the first music consultant for the Orange County Department of Education.

Kimberly Snowden, principal of Rancho San Joaquin Middle School, earned the School Site Administrator Award for her visionary leadership in developing her school’s arts programs.