Your department motto is “In Partnership with the Community.” Why is that important?
Our partnership with the community is essential. We would not be as effective without their support and engagement. In addition, we have the support of our city leaders. It is a formula that has worked for over 50 years, and we are very proud of the partnerships we have nurtured over the years with our residential, business and faith-based communities.
Does being a master-planned city help?
The Irvine Master Plan was created over 50 years ago to guide the city’s long-term growth. With that growth, we began using a geographic policing model that allows us to provide the highest level of service. Each geographic area is led by a lieutenant supported by a team of supervisors, patrol officers, traffic officers, investigators and support staff. This allows our personnel to be more familiar with the people in their area – and the people in those communities to become more familiar with us.
At age 14, you were ticketed by an Irvine police officer for riding your bike while listening to a Walkman, and that led you to join the department. What’s the lesson?
The lesson is simple: Every single contact between a member of this department and the community is an opportunity. An opportunity to provide them with the quality service they deserve, and to leave them with a positive impression of the Irvine Police Department and our profession as a whole. As chief, I interview every member of this organization prior to their hiring. I share my story, and I share my expectations of them both as chief and a resident of the community.