The Joys of Biking to Work

Woodbridge to UCI: the joys of biking to work

Every day is Bike-To-Work day for Todd McGill, who says his seven mile commute is both energizing and calming. The worst part is cold mornings, he says. The best part is who he picks up after work — and how he picks her up.


Every day is Bike-To-Work day for Todd McGill, who says his seven mile commute is both energizing and calming. The worst part is cold mornings, he says. The best part is who he picks up after work — and how he picks her up.

 Tell us about your commute.

I ride about seven miles from Woodbridge to UC Irvine, where I’m a software engineer. It takes about 35 minutes.

 How long have you done this?

Every weekday, weather permitting, since 2008.

Why do you bike?

I save on gas, car maintenance and insurance. It’s great cardio conditioning. It’s an opportunity to energize for my day, and wind down from a day’s work. And it’s one less car on the road.

 What is the hardest part?

Really cold mornings. And passing restaurants on my way home that emit tasty smells. I get crazy hunger pangs from that.

What is the best part?

Picking up my daughter from preschool with the bike trailer.

How do you dress for work?

I wear a ratty T-shirt and bike pants while riding. I pack my work clothes in my bag and change in my office. I also carry a deodorant stick in my bag to freshen up.

 Is it tiring or energizing?

It’s only tiring if I’ve been off the bike for two weeks or longer (think winter break). Otherwise, my commute is both energizing and calming.

 What are car commuters missing out on?

The absence of road rage.

 Advice to those considering it?

It’s a lifestyle decision. It’s not something you just pick up and everything works out immediately. It takes some practice and planning to get the logistics right. 

Anything you’d like to add?

I’m looking forward to the time when personal car ownership just doesn’t make sense for most people. N

Ready to roll?

If you want to join National Bike To Work Day on May 18, there’s no place like Irvine to get rolling. The League of American Bicyclists ranks Irvine in its Top 13 “Bicycle Friendly Communities” in America with more than 300 miles of bikeways linking neighborhoods to villages to city centers — thanks to the city’s Master Plan.